Orthography: a Steppingstone to Biblical Literacy

Colin and Megan Rogers minister among the Nukak people of Colombia. “We continue plugging away here in Colombia. A major focus these last few months was the orthography (writing system) testing program we mentioned in our last update. We have been happy with how the orthography performed, and we are quite confident that we have a writing system which will serve the Nukak people well. With Megan's parents, we have also been involved in preparing materials for a more complete literacy program, including stories and health pamphlets so the readers have something to read! Though we are no longer focused on testing the orthography, we continue to read with our Nukak friends when we have the opportunity. We want to encourage them to continue developing that ability.

“During the testing project, we read with everyone we could find in the nearby Nukak community who were at least partially literate as well as with folks from several other communities. The experience taught us a lot about what to expect in future literacy courses and helped us identify people who might be especially qualified to help with future projects. Pray that our Nukak friends would have a hunger for learning to read and write so that they can read God's Word in their language someday!”

If you would like to help promote literacy around the world, check out our Books for Confidence Project.