“I think we are narrowing in on what might be next.”

Ryan and Kirsten Kurvits are seeking to minister among a people group in Mexico. “Along with visiting two remote church plants, we also met with a family that is starting a new initiative in the city of Chihuahua to minister among the rapidly growing number of indigenous people moving to the city. Urbanization is a growing reality in the world. As a mission, it's natural that we learn to adjust to meet people where they are. This family is positioning themselves to come alongside a particular indigenous group living in the city, and there are already many opportunities for them to connect with and serve their new neighbours.

“Since visiting with these three teams, we have been consulting our leadership team in Mexico and talking and praying a lot as a family. I think we are narrowing in on what might be next, but we ask you to continue praying with us for the Lord's wisdom and direction. There are many opportunities here — the labourers few. Pray the Lord of the Harvest would continue to raise up more labourers. Pray for the Lord's wisdom as we narrow in on what may be next for us as a family.”