Pray for Delivery of Bibles via Treacherous River

Lindy and Carol Drake minister itinerantly among the Guanano people of Brazil and Colombia. “The Guanano Old and New Testaments and Bible lessons for evangelism, which we had stored in São Gabriel when we left, began the long river trip into Colombia. Some will be distributed to the Guanano villages along the way. Others will be stored at the mission base in Colombia for later distribution. The trip is long and treacherous. You will remember [that] our good friend and Bible teacher Jhoni died by drowning in one of those rapids. So please pray for safety. Orlando and Efraim will need God’s protection and physical strength to complete the task. Those boxes are heavy and need to be portaged a myriad of times to get around the worst rapids. Because of your faithful giving, the Drakes and Spors were able to finance this trip by river. We are grateful. Thank you for your prayers.”