Foundational Bible Teaching in Bolivia

Nathaly Copa ministers by teaching students from four different ethnic groups in Bolivia. “We finished Romans, which was challenging for the students. They shared some of their personal struggles and how the apostle Paul was right when he said that even though he wanted to do good, he ended up doing evil that he didn't want to do. We discussed this a lot and encouraged them to allow themselves to listen to the Holy Spirit and be controlled by the new nature. At present, we’re in the book of Ephesians, which continues to be just as challenging, seeing in more detail all that God does for believers and studying the spiritual blessings we receive by being united to Christ. One brother shared, ‘If I had known this from the beginning, I would have changed the way I lived, not out of obligation but out of love for God.’ Now we’re spending classes all together and taking time in small groups to review, ask, and comment more about the subject.” Pray that the truth of God’s Word will continue to impress the hearts of the Chimane, Yuracaré, Trinitario and Araona people of Bolivia.